
  • POLST completion is always voluntary for patient.
  • POLST is designed for people who are seriously ill or medically frail.
  • POLST is not just a check-box form.  POLST is a medical order and should be completed by a medical professional as part of a rich conversation between a patient and their health care provider regarding the patient’s current medical condition, personal values and goals of treatment. This helps ensure that patients have the information they need to make informed choices.
  • In January 2016, the California POLST form was revised to allow nurse practitioners and physician assistants – under the supervision of a physician and within their scope of practice – to sign POLST forms and make them actionable medical orders.
  • Everyone is encouraged to use the most current POLST form. However, POLST completed using previous versions of the form are still considered valid.
  • It is recommended that POLST be copied on bright pink paper to help ensure that the document stands out and is followed. However, POLST on any color paper is valid.
  • Copies and faxes of POLST are valid.  The original, signed POLST travels with the patient.
  • Whenever possible, ensure the Advance Directive (if one exists) and POLST form are consistent with each other.

Order the California POLST form in pads of 100/qty

Purchase POLST in pads of 100 from Med-Pass »

When you purchase your POLST forms through Med-Pass, you are supporting
the Coalition for Compassionate Care of California. Thank you!


Download the California POLST Form and Informational Cover Sheet

IMPORTANT: The POLST form should be completed by a medical provider during a good conversation between the patient and their provider about the form’s medical terms and options.

English PDF


Download Translations of the California POLST Form

IMPORTANT: Translations are for reference only, and are provided to assist healthcare providers in explaining the form to patients and loved ones. The POLST form must be completed and signed in English so that emergency medical personnel and other healthcare providers can easily read and follow the orders.